Aqua Pro
For Professional and Industrial Contexts
La Soluzione Professionale per il Trattamento dell'Acqua
domusè progettato per le esigenze di aziende, industrie e grandi impianti.
Grazie alla sua avanzata tecnologia, consente di migliorare la qualità dell’acqua in modo sostenibile, proteggendo le apparecchiature e aumentando l’efficienza operativa.
Caratteristiche Principali
detailsAdatto a grandi volumi di acqua e impianti complessi.
Riduce incrostazioni e corrosioni, migliorando la durata degli impianti.
Risultati personalizzabili in base alle specifiche esigenze del cliente.
Campi di applicazione
applicationsImpianti industriali, hotel e strutture ricettive in genere, rsa.
Sistemi di irrigazione e agricoltura.
Settore alimentare e sanitario.
I vantaggi di Aqua Pro
advantagesRiduzione dei costi operativi nella gestione dell’acqua e di manutenzione degli impianti.
Maggiore sostenibilità ambientale.
Acqua di qualità superiore per processi più efficienti.
Scopri come Aqua Pro può fare la differenza nella tua attività.
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Linea Aqua Pro
modelsPro line devices are made to offer a major improvement to water characteristics, even on large volumes.
Pro Mini
• Dedicato ad un solo locale
Pro 40
• Edifici multipiano pubblici e industriali, 40 m2 di diametro
Pro 55
• Edifici multipiano pubblici e industriali, 55 m2 di diametro
Pro Green 90
• Per giardini e parchi, 90 m2 di diametro
Our devices are installed in public aqueducts, industries, wellness centres and spas, in agriculture on different type of crops (fruit, extensive crop, fourth range, nurseries), green sports as well as medical and dental practices.
- It improves the organoleptic characteristics of water.
- It eliminates limescale and old encrustation.
- It cleans systems of old limescale and biofilm by reducing bacterial loads.
- It harmonizes completely all effects of electromagnetic fields and geopathic disturbances.
- It energies rooms and makes them "lighter" through negative air ionization.
- It decreases surface tension allowing a significant reduction in detergents, cleaning agents, flocculants, algaecides and chlorine additives.
- It allows important savings in both running costs and plant efficiency recovery.
- domC7
- The water, made bioavailable by Pro Green, significantly improves the vegetative aspect of the plants, producing fruit with better characteristics (ask for details of the experiment conducted with CNR ispa) and significantly decreasing parasite attacks.
- proC9
[ click for more details ]
Hotels, tourist resort and campsites
PRO devices are extremely advantageous in managing domestic water compared to other anti-limescale treatment systems. The removal of old scale deposits and biofilm that accumulate inside the systems restores them to their original efficiency. The disappearance of biofilm significantly reduces the presence of bacterial loads such as legionella.
Faster cleaning of bathrooms and sanitary fixtures, 50% less use of detergents and cleaning agents, and crystal-clear pools with less chlorine.
Wells and Aqueducts
It is used in all industrial situations where the use of water is necessary, both in the production cycle and in the washing cycles. The PRO device eliminates the problems of encrusting limestone an iron oxide particles. Its benefits also extend to areas of risk from bacterial infection such as Legionellosis. Removing limestone and biofilm from pipes, it reduces bacterial growth.
Gyms, Pools, Wellness Centres, Spas
The programming of devices made for spas and wellness centers is particularly attentive to environmental harmonization. Customers who enter in a “protected” Spa by Aqua Pro technology perceive a highly energetic, fresh and relaxing environment. The water of the pools increases in clarity and the smell of chlorine decreases significantly.
Pro Green technology has been tested by CNR Ispa since 2013 (ask for the documentation). The biodynamic water by Pro Green is more bioavailable and the effects are visible both in terms of vegetative growth and in the best quality of product. Tests performed on Kiwi fruits grown with “quantized” water, compared with the fields of "control" report a grater average size, a grater content of vitamin C (30%), a lower oxidative stress on humas endothelial cells and a greater duration (shelf-life) of the picked fruits. In zootechnics, the Pro Green contribution consists in eliminating limestone and biofilm from pipes and drinking trough.
Sport Fields
It is a variant of Pro Green with a specific programming for turf, available with different flow rates: